“7 yrs a Vagabond, 5 yrs in meditation/contemplation. Being alone has been the greatest gift & to know thyself my greatest discovery.”
At eight-years-old, Wes got his first guitar and the rest is, as they say, history. Playing professionally since the age of sixteen, Wes has kicked his fair share of sawdust around in bars and honkytonks. With a distinctively traditional, rich country voice and some tough-guy tattoos, Wes has a sound and a style all his own.
​Wes has released two records, 2009’s “Full Circle” and 2019’s self-titled “Wes Hayden”. The past few years found Wes reconnecting and finding balance in all things. Finding respite between Austin and East Texas, reeling with a high strung zest for life, the hiatus has been everything he needed to find his way back to performing live music again. This time, he knows who he is. This time, Wes is making music because he loves making music.
Armed with his own publishing/record label, Gettin’ Around Records, he’s locked, loaded and ready as he’s ever been.
Check out Tour Dates for a show in one of Wes' favorite Texas Honky Tonks.
Wes Hayden, March 2021